last week i stayed in austin, tx for the holidays and decided to attend the alamo drafthouse's screening of 'the wizard of oz' accompanied by pink floyd's 'dark side of the moon' for an event called 'high for the holidaze.' after watching the whole thing, i'm pretty sure now that this synchronization was not intentional, but you can drink in the theatre, so the whole experience was pretty enjoyable to say the least. it also reminded that 'dark side of the moon' is an amazing, beautiful record. recorded in 1973, 'dark side of the moon' is a concept album about death and time. it also explores mental illnesses, inspired by syd barret's, the band's original singer, battle with a problem that has never been pinpointed, but has been speculated as bipolar disorder or schizophrenia. i'll make a post about syd barrett later because his music rules. but for now, download this record if you don't have it already!
click HERE to download 'dark side of the moon'